Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding Support
The Irish Trade and Professional Association for Doulas CLG provides a range of supports to expectant mothers and families, including antenatal and birth support. Our doulas are trained and experienced in providing emotional and physical support during pregnancy, labor, and birth. We believe that every person has the right to a positive and empowering birth experience.
A number of our members are trained breastfeeding counsellors.
Breastfeeding support is also available through the lactation teams at the maternity hospitals.
Breastfeeding Supports are also available through:
The Association of Lactation Consultants in Ireland
The purpose of the Association of Lactation Consultants Ireland (ALCI) is to promote the professional development, advancement and recognition of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants ( IBCLC) for the benefit of breastfeeding infants and children, mothers, families and the wider community. Visit the ALCI website.
Cuidiu - Irish Childbirth Trust
Cuidiú - The Irish Childbirth Trust provide support services in Antenatal and Birth Preparation, Breastfeeding, Postnatal and Parenthood. Cuidiu is a nationwide group and has a diverse programme of events and activities running throughout the country in local Branches including antenatal classes, breastfeeding support groups, mother and baby groups and postnatal support groups. Visit the Cuidiú website.
La Leche League in Ireland
The La Leche League in Ireland is a voluntary organisation which provides information and support to women who want to breastfeed their babies. Accredited La Leche League Leaders organise monthly meetings and are also available at any time to speak with a mother in person or on the telephone. Leaders are volunteer mothers who have enjoyed nursing their own babies and who see the importance of helping other mothers develop a happy nursing relationship. Visit the La Leche League in Ireland website.
Friends of Breastfeeding
Friends of Breastfeeding works to ensure that women in Ireland achieve their desired breastfeeding experience. They network to connect women in Ireland who want to breastfeed with their local support system. They also work to build communities of supportive friends, family and health professionals - “friends” of breastfeeding. Visit the Friends of Breastfeeding website.
The Northern Ireland Health Promotion Agency's breastfeeding website provides a wide range of information about breastfeeding for mothers and employers in Northern Ireland. Visit breastfedbabies.org.